21st April 2015

Zoho Consultancy

Zoho Consultancy


Before you even start to consider your implementation you need to Define what you want the IT Solution to achieve. FlexablIT’s Zoho Consultancy is designed to create a working definition of what you want your implementation to be. This starts with with your goals, the internal business process, the culture change within your business and finally the correct solution for your business.When creating the definition some key criteria are:

  • What is the business problem (s) you are trying to solve
  • What are your current business processes
  • What are the businesses aspirations for 12 months, 36 months, 60 months
  • What systems and processes does Zoho need to interact with
  • How will the business define success


A key component of any IT Project is defining the budget. With all IT Projects it is very easy to say yes to every requirement, every feature, increasing cost – is there really a cost benefit return? A budget will create a discussion that ensures pragmatic decisions about the value of components to the business. Without a budget the business can not define success criteria like return in investment. FlexablIT’s Zoho Consultancy is designed so that we achieve the maximum value for money within the constraints of your budget.


FlexablIT’s Zoho Consultancy identifies where your data repositories are now. Does these repositories need to be retained? Could they be amalgamated into another tool? How well do these repositories interact and integrate with other systems? Is there a cost benefit of one end to end integrated system?


Implementing any new IT Solution is a good time to clean data. Identify and remove or merge duplicates. Update existing information. This way the new IT System will contain the freshest data and increase it’s value.


All IT implementations start with your internal policies and procedures. FlexablIT’s Zoho Consultancy works through these processes to identify how the solution should work with them and also if any process should be updated to reflect the new way of working with the solution. Ultimatlely the solution should bend to your process and not the other way around.


Any IT Project is typically a change in the way that employees work. The impact and change should be minimal but it is important to recognise that employees typically don’t like change. When implementing a Zoho solution FlexablIT’s Zoho Consultancy identifies the change in working patterns so that a training program can be implemented which will articulate the benefits of the solution and show employees how to best utilise and use the solution.


FlexablIT’s Zoho Consultancy program creates a Project Plan for implementation. The reality is that this depends on the size of the company, how quick or staged the implementation will be and how ready the company each part of the business is to adopt the new solution. It is important that the solution is implemented in a timely manner, sometimes this means that a phased approach can be more successful.