Customer Challenge
The Zoho CRM customer that FlexableIT was working with was a B2C customer in the financial services market. They effectively have a two step sales process:
- Outbound dialling to identify potential customers for the product. Once identified documentation is sent to the customer for signature. This effectively was the first sale.
- The second sale, was the most important – having the documentation returned by the customer signed.
The customer was successful in step one, with over 10,000 potential customers (documentation) identified and sent out. These first steps generated Leads for the second sale – getting the documentation back.
The second sale was where the process was failing. A quick review identified about 75% of the Leads were not being followed up.
The Solution
Zoho CRM was implemented so that the agents could follow up the sent out documentation and ensure that it was returned. Using Zoho CRM:
- Leads were allocated around the team in a fair and proportional manner
- Tasks were created when a new Lead was created so that agents had a “To Do List”
- Workflow automation triggered Status Updates, Follow on Tasks or Emails dependant on how a Lead was updated
- Senior Management reports on a schedule to shoe Leads Closed Won, Tasks Overdue, Conversion Ratios, etc.
- Automated daily report to the documentation team of customers who advised no documentation recieved